Lamin Dampha
Lamin Dampha, a Gambian born residing in the village of Mandinaba, is born on the 15th February 1990. He is an ambitious young person who dreams to be a successful entrepreneur. He is yet to establish a business but has undertaken series of activities to acquire the required knowledge needed to operate a successful business. This really propelled him to undergo the training at Yepafrica and since then he was able to fill a lot of capacity gabs to possess those characters of a good entrepreneur.
From Dampah’spoint of view, many youth entrepreneurs usually succeed or fail in business as a result of the fact that the environment does not help young people to excel in business due to the lack of business understanding by friends, love ones, family and peers.
He ads that many people are just influenced into the business by friends while not even having the ideas of creating one or putting consideration of what a proper business entail, or without passion. This is eventually leading to mismanagement, less commitment, determination, and willingness to resist the short-comings! According to Lamin, having passion and possessing the above stated characteristics of a good entrepreneur are the bases for those succeeding.
“what really motivated me is to help the younger generation to developed quality basic foundation and nurture them to become responsible leaders tomorrow.”
Lamin is working under the ministry of education as primary school teacher. Despite his teaching career, he possess strong passion for entrepreneurship as it plays a significant role in busting national economy. Based on this reality, he dreams of having his own company and create job opportunities.
When you ask Lamin his motivational factor for venturing into business, his baseline is as a result of self reliance and how it changes the lives of so many people in a short duration of time.